Join the Virtual Empire!

Experience the self-love revolution

Interested in joining the Virtual Empire?

What is the FACE Virtual Empire?

The FACE Virtual Empire is an online space filled with video tutorials. If you’ve always wanted to experience a FACE class, but don’t live in one of our main cities, this might be the right fit for you!

How many dance classes will I get?

We will launch the Virtual Empire with warm-up and cool-down videos, as well as 2 or 3 tutorial videos. We are committed to bringing our Virtual Empire subscribers 2 additional video classes every month for the duration of 2023. So by the end of 2023, you will have at least 24 class videos to choose from.

What else can I expect?

Virtual Empire subscribers will also get access to the exclusive FACE Virtual Empire Facebook group, where we can cheer each other on and lift each other up!

How much does it cost?

Cost for the Virtual Empire runs at $10 CAD / month (plus applicable taxes). That’s about $5 a class!

When can I sign up?

Now! Click the button below that says “Join Now” and sign on up to start dancing with the Fierce and Curvy Empire!

Is it easy to cancel if I need to?

Absolutely. You can cancel your membership at any time. You will continue to have access to the membership area until your next billing date. At that time you will not be charged and you will not have access to the membership area. You are able to manage your membership yourself through the account settings area.

Virtual Empire
Every month
Virtual Empire
Every month